Sound Structures -Circum Mediterraneum Music and Architecture 8th – 18th centuries

Melos’ Sound Structures - Circum Mediterraneum - with guests, Peter Coffman, Ben Grossman and Sadaf Amini, has been postponed to April & May due to COVID restrictions.

We are pleased to announce a Sound Structures Trilogy: two online concerts and a slideshow, also online, each accessible to our audience for 10 days.

Friday, April 4 - 14: Sound Structures Concert 1: Origines Andalusiae, 9th-16th c. - Music of Persia, Al-Andalus, Castile and other parts of the Iberian Peninsula, highlighting the culturally rich interface of the Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities resident there up to 1492, and their shared and contrasting musical expressions. With guests, Sadaf Amini, santur, Ben Grossman and Dr. Margaret Walker, percussion. 

Friday, April 15 - 24: Sound Structures Concert 2: Diaspora en Musica 15th-18th c. 

From Dufay’s lament on the fall of Constantinople, to a Christian’s professed love for three Moorish women, Melos choir and soli touch on the painful conflicts and persecutions around the Mediterranean and beyond in the 15th - 16th c.. Our Baroque players also join us to explore the highly rhythmic and ornamented polyphony of Southern Europe, in works of Aranes, Marini, Alessandro Scarlatti and Torres y Martinez- Bravo.  

Saturday, April 30 - May 9: Sound Structures Slideshow: Circum Mediterraneum, Architecture, 6th-17th c.

Award-winning photographer and architectural historian Dr. Peter Coffman guides us through stunning slides of historic churches, mosques and palaces, showing architectural and decorative contrasts and cross-influences that enriched Southern Europe through the Middle Ages and beyond. The narrated tour will be highlighted by evocative Early Music, East and West, performed by Melos and friends.

Tickets go on sale on March 1st 2022 on our website ( for each 40 minute program on YouTube. Ticket purchase gives access for 10 days from each launch date.

Stay tuned for details for two, special in-person offerings by Melos in May: an in-person, noon-hour concert “Diaspora en Musica” and a “live” theatre screening in Kingston of Dr. Coffman’s show.

Jameson Wood

Jameson Wood - Founder & Brand Consultant

Jameson is a jack of all trades and master at most. Jameson will take care of website design & domain services, as well as the business consulting side of things including, social media/marketing strategies. He can even bring out the old DJ in him if need be! Jameson loves to bring his dogged determination to the table to execute his tasks in the fastest possible time he can muster.

Puer Natus Est – Available only via Youtube


Voces Feminarum - Music By and About Women From West and East, 6th - 18th centuries.